Other Assistance Forms
The below Assistance Forms will connect you with additional services/resources provided by our UC San Diego campus partners. Just click the drop-down arrow to learn more!
These forms are neither associated nor managed by The Hub and will require you to connect directly with the Program/Service you're interested in accessing.
Resources for Students with Dependents
The UC San Diego Students With Dependents website is here to assist students, who may identify as a student parent, caregiver, and guardian, in navigating the resources available to them on and off campus.
Browse through the web pages in this section to become familiar with the services and resources that are available to you as a Student with Dependent(s).
If you are a UC San Diego student with dependent(s) who is experiencing increased hardship surrounding financial security or in need of general resources, you are encouraged to complete the Students with Dependents Assistance Form.
This Students with Dependents Assistance Form will be assessed to provide individual resource suggestions and options to meet with supportive staff for a Students with Dependents Assistance consultation. Your personalized consultation appointment with staff will provide an opportunity for you to discuss resources and assess your financial needs.
Basic Needs Lyft Program Form
The Basic Needs Lyft Program Assistance Form is now closed, will be under revision, and remain suspended until further notice.
Future plans for the Basic Needs Lyft Program will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, please see the information below regarding transportation resources.
UC San Diego Transportation:
UC San Diego’s Transportation Services website includes more information about transportation services both to and from campus, including the opening of the UC San Diego Blue Line trolley extension, which presents a new option for your commute and triggers a number of changes to the campus and regional transit network that current transit riders should be aware of, such as the fact that students can ride the trolley fare-free with U-Pass
Connect with Transportation Services: https://transportation.ucsd.edu/contact/index.html
- UC San Diego Campus:
- Spring 2022 Transportation Updates (YouTube video)
- Commuting to Campus
- Faculty and Senior Staff
- Staff
- Graduate Students
- Undergraduate Students
- Triton Commuter Club (includes commute planning, ride matching, and incentives)
- Getting Around Campus
- Passenger Loading Zones
- Parking / Visiting Campus:
- Flexible Parking
- Most Popular ParkMobile Zone Codes
- Find on-campus parking faster
- Super Saver Campus Parking Lots: P782 & P386
- Patient/Visitor Parking
- San Diego County:
Affordable Grocery Store Map & Grocery Shuttle:
The Affordable Grocery Store Google Map shows various grocery stores in San Diego. They are color coded to represent their cost ($=green, $$=orange, $$$=red).
The Grocery Shuttle is a FREE UCSD shuttle to grocery stores in the San Diego area. Running every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every 30 minutes through the 2021-2022 academic year.
The shuttle offers two separate routes, but currently the Pepper Canyon - South is not operating, only the “GC - Grocery Convoy” route (with stops in Clairemont Mesa/Convoy) is running and you can get on the shuttle for this route at Pepper Canyon - North.
UCSHIP NEWT: Non-Emergent Transportation Program:
- Benefit for UC SHIP students only
- Service is provided for non-emergency medical transportation to and/or from medical, behavioral health, urgent care or pharmacy after doctors appt.
- Rides must be scheduled through Student Health Services (SHS) or Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) on campus
- Services are provided by Lyft in a car or SUV thru ModivCare scheduling
- 24 one-way rides per benefit year
- Maximum ride mileage is 30 miles, additional miles require administrative approval
- No cost to UC SHIP student who schedule through the SHS or CAPS
- Companion ride may be provided if student cannot transport on own
- Rider will receive several texts with updates about ride
- Driver will wait for 5 minutes for passenger before canceling ride
- If rider is a no show, the ride will count towards the 24 rides per benefit year
- If rider cancels after the driver has been dispatched, the ride will count towards the 24 rides per benefit year
- To reschedule the ride, the student will need to contact SHS or contact CAPS
Laptop Lending Program
Students with significant financial need are eligible for quarter-long laptop loans. The application is now available through the UC San Diego Service & Support portal.
To navigate to the form:
- Login with your student account
- Click Get Help
- Click the Laptop Lending Program link.
- Please send any questions to techlending@ucsd.edu.