- Contact Us
- Our Crew
- Campaigns
- Basic Needs Reports
*You can find iTable and UnDocu Services on the map above, as well as parking spaces near these services. The Grocery Shuttle stops on and off campus are also available.
Basic Needs Center - Student Center Building A, Room E-100
9500 Gilman Dr #0802, La Jolla, CA 92093
Triton Food Pantry -
- Student Center Building A (Next to the Basic Needs Center)
- One Miramar Street Graduate Housing (OMS) located at 3605 Miramar St., La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: 858-534-5694
Email Us:
Basic Needs Center - basicneeds@ucsd.edu
Basic Needs Marketing Team - bnmarketing@ucsd.edu
Triton Food Pantry - foodpantry@ucsd.edu
- Join TFP Newsletter here!
CalFresh - calfresh@ucsd.edu
Food Recovery Network - frn@ucsd.edu
The HUB Basic Needs Center:
- Instagram: @ucsdbasicneeds
- TikTok: @ucsdbasicneeds
- YouTube: @ucsdbasicneeds
UCSD CalFresh: @ucsdcalfresh
UCSD Food Recovery Network: @ucsdfrn
UCSD Triton Food Pantry: @tritonfoodpantry